Imagine a situation where you wanted to buy a dream car, but just don’t have enough to pay the entire amount and taking a loan will put a dent in your finances as you have to repay a high amount every month with interest. Instead of taking a loan, how about using savings gained by investing in mutual funds to buy the car.
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Would not that give necessary boost to achieve your dream of getting a fabulous vehicle in the shortest possible time? Check out top mutual funds in the market and invest every month an amount that is lesser than what you would be paying for a five year car loan with interest. In just a year, you would have saved enough to pay up at least half the value of the car, while the remaining amount can be financed through a small loan which carries a low interest rate.
About SIP
Systematic investment Plan or SIP is your means to getting into a sound financial position. If you are already not into the habit of setting aside a small amount of money from your salary every month and putting it aside for future needs, it’s time to start now with mutual funds investment schemes.
The key benefit here is that you set aside a small amount every month to which interest is added on a monthly basis. The interest gets compounded so at the end of the investment tenure what is gained is a large amount, which can take care of big financial needs. Instead of investing into an LIC policy or bank fixed deposits, putting money into mutual fund helps gain more money and also makes you financially sound.
Kotak Mutual funds is highly attractive as it offers high interest on the invested amount. Check out the many funds into which you can your money such as debt, tax saver, hybrid, equity etc. It offers much equity and debt funds which give different types of returns. You can opt for a fund with open-ended policy else one that has three year equity lock in period.
You can also look into Kotak EFTs and Fund of Funds both of which offer attractive returns. Gain the maximum from investing into these mutual funds by opening an account online. There is an automatic deduction of investment amount from your account for the various funds that you have selected to put money into.
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