Thursday, September 20, 2018

Systematic Investment Planning (SIP) - Save Invest & Prosper

We Indian are habitual of savings and this skill in inevitable since birth. This skill can help us to save a certain amount of money during emergencies, but this doesn't give growth to our finance. So, what we need to do to grow our money? The answer is Investment. Nest question - what is an investment? How can SIP (Systematic Investment Planning) help us to develop?

We all have desires and dreams; we work hard to turn our dreams into reality. We can do it if we can earn the right amount of money or income. If it's our desire, we need to make an investment which can fulfil our vast dreams.

Investment means the monetary purchase, and it doesn't come under fixed purchase or capital purchase. They are mutual funds where we can invest monthly or quarterly, and in returns, we can drive good profits on the same. Its simple, save money and earn double.
What is SIP Investment
What is SIP Investment | Image Resource :

What is a Systematic Investment Planning (SIP)?

So let’s check out what is SIP investment? SIP (Systematic Investment Planning) is a tool for investing in mutual funds. Choose a plan where we can spend in small quantities and drive better returns. If you are opting for SIP (Systematic Investment Planning), its the safer method for mutual funds. After digitalisation, you may find many apps which makes saving easy. Its a saying, smart invest means better prosper.

There is not much difference between investing in bank and investing in Systematic Investment Plans - a tool for mutual funds. Both will deprive returns. In mutual funds, we drive good returns, but their interest is subject to market risk. In the bank, you will get the regular fixed amount of interest. Mutual funds work on particular aspects of automatic savings.

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